Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life

(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life

You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
You're still the one

You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life

(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

I'm so glad we made it
Look how far we've come my baby

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It's a promise to marry^^ part 1


Jeng jeng jeng!!...x sabarnye nk pakai cincin ni..

sungguh tidak sabar,,,

dari 8 tahun bercinta + 7 bulan berkasih sayang + 15 hari berangan yang indah-indah,

dan secara totalnya sebanyak 3,145 hari in a relationship,akhirnye kami membuat keputusan untuk ke fasa seterusnye iaitu fasa "we r promise to get marry!"@ engagement~hihi..

Planning raya ke-3 ,mintak2 jadi,aminnn (doakan2)hehe.

So entry ni ak nak cite pasal sedikit persiapan untuk tunang yang kami dh wat k,,biasa2 jer sbb bajet beb..bukannya anak dato nk meriah bagai.janji ikat suda,,hehe

ok lagi sebulan kot hari kejadian,preparation yang dh di buat adalah mengumpul barang2 hantaran.kami plan mau tukar 5 sama 5 jer,fair n square.haha..tp miji ttp pokai lebih sikit sbb die kene bg cincin,yay!ok ni beberapa barang yang telah berjaya dibeli dengan bajet yang amat baik,,lg pun sekarang masa yang amat seswai utk shoping sbb sale raya dh open kt jusco,,baek punyerr!

ok,kasut simple je utk pakai g sekolah...^^.less 50%!!

ok,ini bukan bg kasut n novel taw..novel tu bekas hantaran lain yg aku bg kt mijie,title:terima kasih tuhan atas cinta ini (really mean it!) dan men from mars,women from venus, n maybe lg 1, chicken soup for the couple soul..total,3 bj buku,,,sbb en.mijie saya suka membaca.hehehe

ni kasut untuk bakal encik tunang..also less 50%!berbaloi2..

warna pink silver utk majlis akad nikah,,ini kitorang wat hantaran masa tunang,save 1 dulang.hehe.

ok itu je baru dibeli,,wait for the next update k,part 2.apepun nasihat ak,,barang kemas kene beli dulu,,hrga emas bleh naik rm200 ujung tahun ni taw tokey mas ckp,huhu,,masa ak beli ni pun rm173/g...baru 2 minggu lepas rm167,,tgkla betapa cepatnya emas ni menaikkan harga dirinya,cet!..bye2

life update again..26.7.2011

1st of all buat my life update update dulu,,hehe

Dari segi berat...hrm,berjaya turunkan 3 kilo,7 kilos more to go!huhu

Dari segi kewangan...alhamdulillah agak stabil bulan ni sbb baru dapat bonus 500.yes!

Dari segi study...thesis belum mula pape sbb sem baru mula bulan 9,1 month left to enjoy!

Dari segi family...baru menambah koleksi anak saudara n presenting a new baby!Nur Aishah umairah bt. Rosli..lahir minggu lepass..akhirnye dapat jugak dua anak ko kak..tahniah3!hehe

Dari segi kerjaya..quite stressful tp wat tatau ajerr..

Dari segi in a relationship ^^...insyaAllah akan diupgrade kn lepas raya ni,,semoga semuanya selamat.Amin.

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